First Annual Senryu Contest (2015)
First Place
invisible fence
his wife says the dog
will get used to it
Ken Slaughter, USA
Second Place
now we can talk
of what might have been –
Geethanjali Rajan, India
Third Place
class reunion. . .
as I give a charming smile
my dentures slip out
Gautam Nadkarni, India
Honourable Mentions
penury –
my wallet full
of lucky charms
Radka Mindova, Bulgaria
labeled a liberal
but I'm all right
with that
Terri L. French, USA
Second Annual Senryu Contest (2016)
First Place
pediatric ICU
no red bulbs
on the christmas tree
- Steve Hodge, USA
Second Place
the delicate cycle
of a baby's cry
- Sidney Bending, Canada
Third Place
new city
the familiar accent
of graffiti
- Chase Gagnon, USA
Honourable Mentions
estranged neighbour...
the dogs continue
our friendship
- Mohammad Azim Khan, Pakistan
hoarder's house
a skeleton
in her closet
- Phyllis Lee, USA
Third Annual Senryu Contest (2017)
First Place
Easter morning —
and I can’t even
get out of bed
- Terri L. French, USA
Second Place
crooked picture —
I dream
of my son’s therapist
- Dawn Apanius, USA
Third Place
family secrets
a fly chooses
the butter
- Tia Haynes, USA
Honourable Mentions
hair of the dog —
I adopt
one more
- Julie Warther, USA
she says
we need to talk
- Niranjan Navalgund, India
Senryu of Merit
on the top
of the Great Pyramid
an anthill
- Dan Iulian, Romania
giving in
to all the rage
adult coloring book
- Peter Newton, USA
friends again
entangling the leashes
of our dogs
- Christine L. Villa, USA
his ninetieth year . . .
Dad tells me for the tenth time
he hates to repeat
- Gautam Nadkarni, India
winter bridesmaids
no one tries to catch
the bouquet
- D.P. Bishop, USA
Fourth Annual Senryu Contest (2018)
First Place
just when I smiled
at the trophy
a wild card entry
- Aparna Pathak, India
Second Place
a church steeple harpoons the moon forced childbirth
- Robin Smith, USA
Third Place
red spider lily
the toddler lets out
a new word
- Marilyn Appl Walker, USA
Honourable Mentions
washed jeans –
his love note
still dirty
- Susan Burch, USA
skunk cabbage
he says I'm almost as cute
as my sister
- Carol Ann Palomba, USA
Fifth Annual Senryu Contest (2019)
First Place
urBANization THE opPRESSion of fresh asphalt
- Julie Bloss Kelsey, USA
Second Place
stretching my versatility
an em dash
- Aparna Pathak, India
Third Place
it’s over
you never
let me fini
- Sanela Pliško, Croatia
Honourable Mentions
my sp
Engin Gülez, Turkey
mahjong all my infidelities
- Marilyn Ashbaugh,USA
bear claws believing what I want to believe
- Christine L. Villa, USA
Sixth Annual Senryu Contest (2020)
First Place
silence slips
. . . into silence
- Vinay Leo R., India
Second Place
social media even there I wear a mask
- Susan Beth Furst, USA
Third Place
alone at the viewing lilies
- Kat Lehmann, USA
Honourable Mentions
midnight rain
not yet used to
- Pragya Vishnoi, India
of mother’s death
i set two tea cups
- Pamela A. Babusci, USA